What Are the Fastest Growing Fruit Trees?

Are you looking to add some fruit-bearing trees to your property, but you do not want to wait for years to get produce? Fruit trees can be a beautiful and beneficial investment, but they mature at varying rates, depending on the types and the climate where you live. If you are looking for fast growing fruit tree, there are a few types that mature quicker than others. Here is your short guide to finding the fastest growing fruit trees for your property.
Planting Seeds vs Seedlings
The first difference in how fast your fruit trees will grow is what you plant. If you are pretending to be Johnny Appleseed and planting fruit tree seeds in your yard, expect to add a few years to maturity. While it is very cost-effective to plant trees from seeds, it also takes extra time. Seedlings or grafted fruit trees you buy at a nursery are already started for you and a year or more into their growth. While fruit trees from seeds can take up to 8-10 years, fast growing fruit trees from seedlings may have fruit in a year or two.
Five Fast Growing Fruit Trees for Warm Regions
Fruits trees are temperamental when it comes to climate. Some trees will never survive a cold winter, especially when they are young. For the warmer regions of the country, there are many more options available when it comes to fruit trees. In the deeper south and west coast regions with USDA planting zones of 8 or higher, there are wonderful options for fruit trees. Five of the fastest growing fruit trees for warm regions include:
- Peaches. The peach tree grows fast and can produce fruit in about three years, but it does not like cold temperatures. Peach trees are best planted with at least two in the same area so they can cross pollinate.
- Citrus fruit trees. One of the fastest growing fruit trees are the citrus variety. Oranges, lemons and grapefruit trees all grow fast – some can produce fruit in 1-2 years, but require warm weather or must be moved inside during cold temperatures.
- Banana trees. A banana tree can produce fruit in as little as three years, and they grow up to around 18 feet tall. These tropical trees need zone 8 or better to flourish.
- Pomegranate. In about 3-5 years, a pomegranate tree can bear fruit and you only need one tree, as it is self-pollinating.
- Mandarins. While mandarins are citrus fruit, they are easier to grow than some other types that are less tolerant to temperature variations. If you plant a grafted mandarin tree, you may see fruit in 2-3 years.
The warm climates allow for a wider variety of fast growing fruit trees that will produce plenty of produce. However, there are plenty of fruit trees that can tolerate colder temperatures and still offer fairly fast growing rates.
Fastest Growing Fruit Trees for Colder Regions
When you move into the mid and northern regions of the country with colder winters and shorter growing seasons, there are fewer options for fast growing fruit trees. However, you can still do well if you start with grafted trees of the right variety. Some of the fastest growing fruit trees in zone below eight include:
- Apple trees. Many apple trees can grow well in zones 4-8 but thrive in zones 6-7. You can expect fruit in about three years if you plant from seedlings, and trees can grow up to 35 feet high.
- Apricots. Good for zones 5-8, some varieties of apricots can grow and produce fast with fruit in as little as 3-4 years.
- Pear trees. Great for zones 3-10, some pear trees can produce fruits within 3-4 years. Check with your landscaper or nursery for the fastest growing varieties.
- Mulberry trees. Mulberry trees can grow to great heights quickly and do well in cooler climates, producing fruit in about three years.
- Cherry trees. Depending on the variety, cherry trees can start producing in 3-4 years and many varieties do well in cooler regions.
When growing in cooler regions, some fruit trees may need protection during the first few winters. It is important to talk to your landscape expert to determine the best way to care for your new trees until they reach maturity. While they may be fast growing, they are vulnerable until they reach maturity.
Adding fruit trees to your property can be a wonderful way to add sustainable produce and beautiful trees to enjoy year round. While many fruit trees can take 8-10 years to become high producers, some of the fastest growing fruit trees can bear fruit in just a few years. Talk to your local landscaper for advice on the best fruit trees for your region and how best to nurture them to maturity.