Types of Low-Growing Perennials That Bloom All Summer

Do you have areas in your yard where no grass grows, or do you need a pretty border? There are other options besides grass to provide ground coverage. One of the options is low-growing plants, many of which have beautiful flowers. Let’s look at the types of low-growing perennials that bloom all summer.
If you are looking for a ground cover that can provide colorful flowers for your yard that will come back year after year, you need a perennial. These plants can survive year-round and do not need to be replanted and many require very little maintenance.
Low-growing perennials are great for garden borders and ground cover. They can provide needed color for your landscaping and fill in spaces that are not part of your lawn or garden. Here are some types of low-growing perennials that can enhance your landscaping.
Blanket Flowers
If you live in a warmer region and are looking for low-growing perennials that bloom all summer, blanket flowers may be right for your yard. These plants can provide red, orange, and yellow flowers most of the year, but they do need a sunny area to grow. Some things to know about blanket flowers:
- They are native to the southwestern U.S. and Mexico
- Blanket flowers are drought resistant
- They grow up to three feet in height
If you want low-growing perennial flowers that do not require much water and have sunny areas you want to cover, blanket flowers can provide bright and beautiful blooms all summer long.
Bleeding Hearts
Do you have moist soil in a shady area of your yard? Bleeding hearts are low-growing perennials that can provide beautiful bursts of red flowers to your landscape design. These plants are native to Asia, but they grow wonderfully in regions that do not have overly dry summers. Bleeding heart traits:
- Many varieties only grow about six inches tall
- These plants love the shade and woody areas
- The flowers are pink or red and heart-shaped
If you have a full or partially-shaded area in your yard, maybe in a grove of trees, bleeding hearts are a great addition to your landscaping.
Blue-Eyed Grass
One of the most versatile low-growing perennials is blue-eyed grass, which is not grass at all. These a pretty blue flowers that can grow well in almost anywhere in the U.S. – the only zones not suggested are extremely cold northern areas and very hot, dry southern regions. Traits include:
- Grows best in well-drained soil
- It prefers direct sunlight
- Plants grow 8-20 inches in height
Blue-eyed grass has pointy leaves that can resemble grass when it is not in bloom. It may be a nice ground cover for areas that do not have grass, but you still want a green covering.
Calla Lily
Producing gorgeous, bright blooms, the calla lily is a wonderful accent for a garden border. These plants have stunning flowers which are shaped like trumpets and that come in a variety of colors, from red and pink to bright yellow. Some of the features of calla lilies include:
- Bright green, shiny leaves
- Prefers sunny areas
- Plants grow up to 18” in height
Calla lilies are beautiful, but they are best grown in the southern states and along the west coast. They are not recommended in the Midwest or northern states.
Garden Violets
Want a low-maintenance perennial that blooms all summer and provides a lovely odor for your yard? Garden violets are low-growing perennials that can be grown in many regions of the U.S., creating a green and colored ground cover for your yard. Some traits of garden violets include:
- Flowers range in color from rose to bright blue
- Plants grow in full or partially sunny areas
- Garden violets grow 6-10” in height
Garden violets are very versatile and easy to grow. They can survive in most types of soil and spread on their own. Only severely hot or cold climates are poor environments for these violets.
Perennial Pinks
If pink is your color, then this is the right low-growing perennial for your yard. Perennial pinks are a beautiful option for borders along your garden or to fill in your landscaping beds. You will want to ensure they are planted in areas that get at least six hours of sun per day. Some traits include:
- Pink and white flowers
- These grow to 6-18” in height
- Very fragrant
Perennial pink plants grow in many regions of the U.S., USDA zones 3-9. These are low-growing perennials that bloom all summer, usually from May to October.
Low-growing perennials are a great way to add filler plants, borders, and ground cover to your yard. To learn more about plants that come back year after year in your area and provide blooms all summer, talk to your local landscaper for low-growing perennials for your yard.