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Hiring a Landscaping Service For Your Homeowners Association


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A homeowner’s association should choose their commercial landscape service with care.  Cost is an important consideration, but don’t make the mistake of going with the lowest bidder based on cost alone.  Experience, competence, and professionalism are all important considerations for choosing a commercial landscaper for your homeowners association lawn care and maintenance. Your landscaping should…

Repairing a Leaky Sprinkler Irrigation System


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Abnormally high water bills are a classic sign of a water leak somewhere in your system.  The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average home wastes over 10,000 gallons of water every year due to water leaks.  Finding and fixing those leaks can save you money on your water bills. If you suspect a leak…

Retention Pond Maintenance


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When a neighborhood or office building is built, the natural drainage of the area is altered.  Grass, trees, shrubs and other plant life are replaced by homes, buildings, streets, and driveways.  The natural topography is usually changed and the flow of water through the area is altered. As a result, rainwater that used to be…

Spring Is the Time For Core Aeration


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Spring is a great time to aerate your lawn to help get it ready for the season.  Regular aeration is necessary to reduce the soil compaction that naturally occurs throughout the year.  Compacted soil makes it harder for your lawn to grow and reduces the amount of moisture and nutrients that soak into the soil…

Eliminate Excess Water With a French Drain


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Too much water around the foundation of your home can cause serious damage to the foundation and flooding of your basement or crawlspace.  In addition, poorly draining areas of your yard can result in soggy lawns and difficulty growing trees and shrubs due to excessive water around the roots.  Standing water is also a breeding…

Avoiding Problems With Your Lawn Service


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Spring is in the air in most parts of the country that means it’s time to start thinking about yard work.  If you are one of the many Americans who don’t have the time or inclination to do your own yard work and instead prefer to hire a landscape professional or lawn service, it is…

United States Lawn Grasses


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Choosing a type of grass for your lawn is an important consideration for any homeowner.  There are many variables to take into consideration including what part of the country your home is located, the amount of maintenance necessary, and the aesthetics desired. Lawn grasses are divided into two basic groups:  cool season and warm season…

Spring Lawn Mower Tune Up


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Warmer weather is here and if you haven’t had to mow the lawn yet, it won’t be long before you do.  If you are like many Americans who prefer to use a lawn maintenance service or landscaper for your lawn care and maintenance, it’s time to touch base and get on their schedule. This is…

Planning Your Outdoor Lighting


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Outdoor lighting is an important element of any Johans Creek, Georgia landscape design.  Outdoor lighting can add accents to your landscape, accentuate desired features, and contribute to safety.  Properly done, outdoor lighting adds beauty and value to your home. Randomly adding lighting to your Johns Creek landscape rarely achieves optimal results.  There are many different…

Why You Need a Professional Landscape Designer


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Whether you are starting from scratch or modifying an existing Cumming, Georgia landscape, there are many reasons why you should use an experienced Cumming landscape designer or landscape architect for the design of your landscaping project. A beautiful landscape doesn’t happen by accident.  It needs to be carefully planned and properly executed to achieve the…