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A Three Prong Plan For Effective Weed Control


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An effective weed control program is critical to achieve a beautiful lawn.  There are three basic methods of controlling lawn weeds – keeping the lawn healthy, mechanical weed removal, and chemical weed control.  Each of these methods helps control weeds, but the best results are achieved by consistently using all three methods. A healthy lawn…

Efficient Summer Lawn Watering Techniques


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Good watering techniques will help your lawn tolerate the hot summer weather and stay healthy all year long.  In hot, dry summer conditions the lawn will go dormant if it does not get enough water.  One option is to allow the lawn to go dormant, but you run the risk that some of the lawn…

Hot Summer Lawn Care


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Summertime lawn maintenance and care can be a challenge, especially this year with most of the country seeing record breaking temperatures already this year and no relief in sight.  The hot weather not only keeps your air conditioning system running overtime, but it also puts a lot of stress on your lawn, especially for northern…

Types of Irrigation Controllers


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An irrigation system is a great way to keep your lawn an landscaping healthy and in great condition.  An important part of any lawn irrigation sprinkler system is the irrigation controller.  The controller automatically turns on the irrigation system according to how it was programmed by the homeowner.  An irrigation system controller allows the homeowner…

Smart Irrigation Controllers Reduce Irrigation System Water Usage


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Until recently, most irrigation system controllers available for residential use relied on timers for controlling the irrigation schedule.  The homeowner could set the irrigation controller to start watering at a certain time and how long to water the landscaping. They can also be set to water different zones at different times and for different durations,…

Types of Smart Irrigation Controllers


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Smart irrigation system controllers are the most recent innovation for sprinkler irrigation systems.  Programmable electronic controllers are capable of executing sophisticated watering programs, but they are incapable of adjusting for the current local weather conditions. Unless the homeowner manually adjusts the program every time it rains and when the seasons change, a traditional electronic irrigation…

Water Saving Irrigation Controllers


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You have probably heard of low flow, water saving shower heads, toilets, and other plumbing fixtures, but did you know that there are also water saving landscape irrigations controllers?  Landscape irrigation systems account for over 7 billion gallons of water used per day, and up to half of this water is wasted due to inefficient…

Landscaping Tree Issues


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Trees are an important part of most landscaping designs.  Well placed and properly cared for trees add beauty, shade, and other benefits to your landscaping.  However, trees can pose challenges to your landscape design or develop problems in established landscapes.  Your landscaping professional can help identify tree issues and can handle some tree problems, but…

Basic Landscape Design Principles


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Designing and installing an attractive landscape involves more than randomly planting colorful flowers and shrubs around your yard.  A beautiful landscape starts with a careful landscape design. Whether you plan to tackle the job yourself or to hire a landscaping professional, understanding the basic principles of landscape design will help you achieve the results you…

Energy Efficient Landscaping


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Did you know that you can reduce your home’s energy consumption for heating and cooling with a well-designed landscape?  When you think of reducing your heating and cooling costs, most homeowners naturally think of installing energy efficient air conditioning and heating systems and improving their home’s insulation and weather stripping.  However, according to the Department…